Vijay S. Rao

Vijay Rao 

Research Lead and Principal Architect
Internet of Things and Connected Products

Guest Researcher
Embedded and Networked Systems
TU Delft


My research is on cyber-physical systems (networked embedded systems) - IoT and Tactile Internet


[02/2022] Our cool and innovative work on batteryless event sensing has been accepted in IEEE IPSN 2022!
[11/2021] Our work, “Toward Enabling High-Five Over WiFi”, has been accepted in IEEE Communications Magazine
[10/2021] Our work on “Cook over IP” has been published as monograph by Springer! Get your copy
[06/2021] Our invited article on low-power and accurate satellite GPS is published in ACM GetMobile
[09/2020] We won the Best Paper Award in MobiCom 2020!
[08/2020] The extended version of ‘DaRe’ for LoRaWAN has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
[03/2020] Our paper on TI testbed has been accepted in IEEE IoT Magazine
[01/2020] Our paper on privacy-aware, device free localization using thermopiles has been accepted in ACM/IEEE IPSN 2020
[12/2019] Our paper on ‘Setting the yardstick’ - metric for TI session quality - has been accepted in IEEE INFOCOM 2020
[11/2019] Our paper on enhancing scalability using listen-before-talk has been accepted in EWSN 2020
[10/2019] Our paper on energy-efficient GPS for small satellites has been accepted for publication in ACM MobiCom 2020
[07/2019] Our papers on WiFi based crowd distribution monitoring and routing in energy-harvesting WSNs published in IEEE Globecom 2019
[06/2019] We won Airbus Fly Your Ideas 2019 Read more…
[05/2019] Whitepaper on ’How to Prepare for Cyber-Physical Systems in the Robotics World’ published
[02/2019] Joined Cognizant as Research Lead
[02/2019] One of the exemplary reviewers for IEEE Wireless Communications Letters for 2018
[01/2019] Our paper on effective decoding of FSK with Doppler (“Recovering bits from thin air”) published in ACM/IEEE IPSN 2019
[01/2019] Our paper on IEEE 1918.1 standards published in IEEE Proceedings
[12/2018] Alpha version of the NB-IoT UE-energy consumption tool can be accessed here. Thanks Anand!
[11/2018] Our paper on constructive interference in WSNs to appear in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking
[05/2018] In the Dutch TV (and radio) news for our Zebro project -
[05/2018] Demonstration of Zebro to Alphonsus Stoelinga, Dutch Ambassador to India, at the Dutch trade mission to India. Picture
[04/2018] Best paper award for our work “Cook over IP” in ACM/IEEE IoTDI 2018


HB 20.160
Mekelweg 4
2628 CD Delft
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 15 278 6272
Email: V <dot> Rao <at>